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Why invest

What makes TC Energy a solid investment for long-term growth? Our proven strategy, diversified high-quality assets, dividend growth, financial strength and financial discipline.

Proven track record

70多年来,我们一直致力于以安全和可持续的方式满足不断增长的能源需求. 自2000年以来,我们为股东提供了可观的价值,平均年回报率为11%,此后每年都增加股息.


Financial strength



Diversified high-quality assets


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Strong leadership

Led by President & CEO François Poirier, our highly regarded executive leadership team and thousands of inspired employees, 我们完全有能力驾驭不断变化的能源和商业环境,以实现我们的目标.

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Visible dividend growth

自2000年以来,我们的资产基础从250亿美元增长到1000多亿美元. Simultaneously, we've raised the annual dividend from $0.80 per share to $3.2024年每股84美元(基于最近公布的季度股息). 我们的互补基础设施资产组合和有保障的增长项目预计将支持3%至5%的年度股息增长.

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Future growth

With continued expected growth in each of our business lines, we expect to continue to grow our business for decades to come, delivering growing returns to our investors.


Credit ratings

信用评级的目的是为投资者提供对发行证券的信用质量的独立衡量. Credit ratings are not recommendations to purchase, 持有或出售证券,不对特定投资者说明特定证券的市场质量或适用性. 这些评级是由穆迪、标准等信用评级机构分配的 & Poor's, Fitch, and DBRS. 虽然TC能源公司有信用评级,但它不是债务证券的发行人. 债务证券由横加管道有限公司或其子公司持有.

TransCanada PipeLines Limited

  Standard & Poor's Moody's Investors Service Fitch DBRS
Senior unsecured BBB+ Baa2 BBB+ BBB (high)
Trend/rating outlook Negative Stable Stable Stable outlook
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